Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Walt Whitman - Poet

Im doing a project for a college course on a couple poems by this great man. Check em out, and if you have time: browse his website:

These are beautiful...

To You

We Two Boys Together Clinging

Song of the Open Road

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you don't check ALL of these out and comment me in SOME way, shape or form, I'll kill you. Do it when you can, but that does NOT mean you can procrastinate doing this! I'm shit for getting in touch too, but at least I read your blog, so at the least read mine! I know you Jon, so you can't pull any crap with me. And for Gods sake! tell me how you're doing. And no courtesies! You said before, that I am not one of the people you need to reconnect with because you haven't seen me in a while. If I saw you tomorrow it would be like I saw you today. So no "How are you, buddy? I'm fine and today I went for a walk." I want some real conversation. I want to know how you're doing, not what you're doing. I want to know how Jon is, not how Jons mask is. (I do not, and never did, deny that I have a mask too.) I want to talk to the Jon I talked to for hours privately in various rooms around the church and at Marks house. I'm starved for real conversation, Jon. I don't know if you are, but I know I can always have a proper conversation with you. So no crap. I'm not one to sugar coat my words, so I'm not going to do that to you of all people. So swear, shout, rant, rave, and show me some emotion because Jon isn't a person that sugar coats shit either. So don't with me. Talk to me Jon, I miss you like I'd miss my right arm if that was gone to America. And I'm right handed!