In reading the book "SexGod" by Rob Bell I have been strictly re-affirmed in my deep and built-in need to connect with others.
I have always valued this.
The time spent with friends, strangers, family - people.
There is no mystery in observing our growing hunger to talk about others behind their back.
There is no mystery in our flippant usage of profanity and hand gestures when cut-off in traffic.
There is no mystery to the devistating hole that bares its ugly head when we have lost someone we love - whether in relationship or physical death.
There is no mystery to the actions of the quick-fix consumer and his/her purchasing power as a reaction or numbing agent to stress.
Why do we do these things?
- Well, I believe we will always meet reaction in the face of stress. I think it is a part of being human. It is natural.
- That said, I also believe what is natural is how we connect with others. We need to share, ask, question, trust, initiate, forgive, listen, and sit with - more.
We are not meant to be alone - in solitude. We are meant to share this place we walk on, eat from, and swim in.
We must connect more. We must trust more. We must allow others into our life and crave to be a part of theirs.
It is easier to have lunch with, dialogue with, and connect with those who are in our bubble. In fact, many of these friends and family feed us and are in many forms our - life blood - thus, making them a necessary bubble!
I challenge myself and anyone who reads this to be mindful of the 'others': The people who represent the harsh words out of our mouths, thoughts, and actions. The unfortunate souls that continue to fry in our "gossip" world.
Those who annoy us, frustrate us, make us angry.
Those who have hurt us, hurt others, and dis-agree with us.
Those who have been mis-understood, manipulated by, and framed as.
How would all of the areas listed above change if we all spent more time -truly- listening, prodding, caring, and investing into those who became scum in the words or actions we exercise.
We would understand that they make sense.
They have had difficulty.
They need us.
They need a God that is bigger than the guilt, the poster, the sticker, and dare I say the default fix-it: devotional, book, or fancy 10K cross.
They need God in the way we talk about them - to them - and around them.
Our Holy Spirits are alive.
They crave to dance in the discussion...in the moments we spend with those we don't understand.
We aren't perfect.
We can't fix people.
We will lose patience.
We will give-up for a time.
We will fall and fall in an effort to forgive.
We must keep getting back up.
We are needed.
Fight the good fight.
1 comment:
you inspire me...your thoughts from what has become one of my favorite books has inspired me. your words continue to inspire me. hopefully this inspires you. Though not my words, my thoughts are in there and as always my prayers with you my friend. When i happened upon it today in an unlikely place, you were the person i wanted to share it with.
Im not sure why, maybe you are needing the inspiration, maybe you are needing to know that so many people believe in you, or to be reminded to believe in yourself or maybe i thought you might just like the words and the meaning and the passion..
I hope something incredible happens to you today Jon. You are worth an incredible life. -c
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in all of us. And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
--Nelson Mandela
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