Wednesday, December 29, 2010

3,030 miles later...


On November 13th, 2010 family, supporters and new friends walked with 'us' as we finished our 8 month walk across the USA from Lewes, Delaware to San Francisco, CA. This experience was simply life-changing and worth every step. You can follow our 242 day on-foot journey HERE.

I will start using this blog again for occasional 'life' updates, thoughts, and reflections.

Stay tuned to photos and video from Ankara, Turkey.. Will be visiting my beautiful sister, Tracy Stalls next week (January 5-15th)! yOw

Cheers for now & a very HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and yours,

Jonathon & Kanoa

(Below is a goofy video of Kanoa showing the pillow his mighty neck strength - haha)