Thursday, November 22, 2007

Sista C-ssstaaaaav


On my way to the women's college volleyball mecca for 3 days!

Lincoln, Nebraska people.

The home of the "Germans from Russia Museum" <--what?? for real, its there! haha...

Nah, this is her last home game in the die-hard supportive Nebraska atmosphere!

As it is "senior" night our dearly beloved blood relative will be honored both as this being her last home match, but also for all of her incredible achievement as a player, captain, and leader for this multi-talented National Championship team!!

Monday, November 19, 2007


I am so fixated on the love of God people.

If you can relate! WATCH THIS!

"Nooma - Lump"

If you are reading this and are either confused or uninterested because of my use of the word it still, id be curious to get ur feedback.....


The Great Symposium!

Philosophy is incredible.

I have taken several philosophy courses in my student journey at different schools and have loved every minute of it.

Our school library had a book sale two weeks ago and they were giving away thousands of books for only a dollar or two. I quickly grabbed a plastic bag and started rummaging.

I found the Great Dialogues of Plato lying in the bottom of a box. It was all torn up and mangled from it's previous users. It called ouuuuuuuuuuttttt to me and I nabbed it for its content and character.

As reading is one of the things I am really starting to enjoy I thought this would be a good challenge. Something with difficult English, deep concepts, and historical greatness......yup, and that would be an understatement for this book.

I find myself laughing, crying, and completely immersing myself next to Socrates as if I were Plato, watching every move and word from his tongue.

As I just finished the great Symposium chapter I am overwhelmed with reaction to its emotional and intellectual challenge. The idea of Love is so underrated and still to this day is almost seen as weak and something that less to be praised.

As a man who loves sports, the outdoors, and good beer I find that my culture tells me to shy away from expressing and wanting to talk about this idea of "love".

I wont give it away if you haven't read it, all I ask is that you go find the book yourself and enjoy it like I have. If your not at a place to enjoy books, then check it out on here:

Would love to know what you think if you get to reading it!!

It truly is amazing to see and feel the connection between philosophy and thought on this topic well over 2,000 years ago.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

"happiness is only real when shared"

(pictured above: a few of the most incredible people I came to know and love in our Roscommon, IRELAND family)

Just two blocks away from my apartment....

The Kickhouse. A group of people that are so accepting, loving, and authentic...

I am excited, curious, and more than willing to continue developing relationship and community through and with them!

The power of small groups.......---> people coming together to listen, support, and encourage one another.

I craaaave it!

Tonight we had an incredible group where one of the guys spilled his entire life story.

We started at 7:30 and didn't get out until 11.


If you have ever been curious about joining one...or also feel the craaaaaving to be apart of one.


Whether its through church, sport, community meetings, ahhh....anything.

Find it! and be open to the constant pricking and prodding at your own heart, passions, or questions. prepared to master the under appreciated art of listening!


I will be sharing.............ahhh.. my crazy life story in a couple weeks!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Okay people. I am doing a study on color psychology. This test freaked me out. Please take it, its fascinating. It's based of off the studies of Max Luscher...


UM?? this isn't me at all!?? AHHHHHH. Freaky. scary. ha ha

Feels that life has far more to offer and that there are still important things to be achieved--that life must be experienced to the fullest. As a result, he pursues his objectives with a fierce intensity that will not let go of things. Becomes deeply involved and runs the risk of being unable to view things with sufficient objectivity, or calmly enough; is therefore in danger of becoming agitated and of exhausting his nervous energy. Cannot leave things alone and feels he can only be at peace when he has finally reached his goal.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Into The WILD!!...a must see!


Wow. Last night I went to an irish pub and had a pint of smooth guinness with a friend. With intention of seeing a recommended movie from a friend we showed up right on time. Took our seats in this ancient old theatre dedicated to the incredible art of independant film.

Two and half hours, embarking on this journey based on a true story......intense, powerful, and simple.

I walked out of that movie, challenged, convicted, and emotionally scattered.

I can't describe the amount of sensativity I had to both the specific character and the storyline.

I crave freedom and I constantly have such a hard tug for the wild heart of a man.

Please go see this movie. It is well worth the 8 dollars.

I would love to hear feedback once you see it!

....ahhh save us from drowning in so many of today's lies!